Monday, January 24, 2011

today was going beautifully and so nice with the sun all around me. it was cold but i could definitely breathe the air in, plus my classes went by fast and i understood what my spanish professor was lecturing about. i got to work right in time, after spending a very brief amount of my life on 215 (when you add up all of the minutes of the past two weeks, it isn't so brief) listening to the new decemberists album. so all of that was good enough. i even did my chore of writing all over the whiteboard, in case people forgot their schedules.

but then.

two hours before i was suppose to get off, the whole entire network that runs my work life shut down. and i was stuck doing everything by hand, which is super intimidating, and also time consuming. by the grace of God, the system came back up ten minutes after we closed and saved us even bigger headaches...but we still had to stay an hour later than normal to clean up after the mess. i balanced my drawer, again, by the grace of God, and now i am exhausted. work is always an interesting story in my life now. but i would be a liar if i didn't say i still had possibly hundreds of produce codes memorized. these things never leave you, once you have started with them. certificate rates. account suffixes. how to fold shirts. produce codes. sales principles. how to take a deposit to the bank and how many bills are in a strap. i think this is a good stopping point for information for the time being. i am happy about my life right now.

just don't be shocked if i forget everything that isn't God, school, or my job. because my head hurts too bad all of the time to remember anything else.

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