Thursday, January 20, 2011

I got a package from Germany today, which was the most exciting and foreign thing that has happened to me in awhile. I miss the days of my life when everyone I interacted with was from somewhere else. Norway, Germany, Brazil, China. I would say a phrase and they would either stare blankly, pretend they understood, or ask me what I was getting at. My favorite was Kim, who spoke English very well except that he would say things like "I learned Marley how to jump six feet", or "Rap music is a marathon of swearing." I still imagine in my head how he would say phrases that I think are funny in normal English speech. It is a different environment without these people around. I am settling, instead, for being thrilled about taking a foreign language again. Even though, oops, the last time I took a class was four years ago. I feel so lost but also so proud when I pick up the most basic words. I bet this is what a two year old feels like. Plus, hello, I have a professor that looks like Chuck Bass, which is super great, but also super intimidating, because who wants to conjugate irregular past tense verbs incorrectly in front of Chuck Bass? I wish he really spoke Spanish.

Crazy week one is over, and next week is going to be the same, but hopefully with a little bit more sleep. I don't mind being a zombie except when I am driving or counting thousands of dollars back to a member. My manager was proactive though, and has already hired at least one person to fill our large gaps. I am encouraged by this. There is a day in the future where I won't have to rush between class and my branch. Driving to school isn't as bad as I thought though, because on days like today where the sun is shining I love looking out from 215 at God's beautiful Utah, regardless of the smog that sometimes still lingers. I am blessed to be where I am inside of these long days. Things are do-able.

With my new job, I feel like situations stick with me a lot longer. I think about members on the drive home and often even while I am sitting at home. It's a weird burden that I am not used to.

I am really happy today, in spite of tomorrow being a long day. God is good to me, and that's all I need for now.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I always tried to flirt with Tim, which he would always ignore. Which only made me like him more, but I'm still not sure that he is straight, anyway.

And then one day I saw him at Barnes and Noble, and he just nodded at me, like a Whitney. I still see him in he halls, and smile to myself. :) He is the best of the best in the Spanish world at the U. You need to go to Spain.