Sunday, January 2, 2011

Spencer is singing loud songs while crying his eyes out, which I guess is his new way of showing grief. It's sort of sad because I can hear him from downstairs and he sounds so brokenhearted, but I know that all that happened was that his dog ate his new rabbit's foot from his grandpa. Like, 2 hours after he brought it home. Poor buddy, but he is at least not dying of a real life broken heart. It's so sad to hear, but at the same time strangely funny because he is just singing, singing like a drunk man. Times like these make me not want to be a parent for a little while. I don't know how I would even be able to begin to handle a situation like that.

The Bears lost today. Which, hello, they only lose when I actually watch the game. Like, I think I've watched like, 3 games, and they've only lost 5 total. What is going on with this?

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