Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"He was also a little addicted to the expression of a belief that, where there was so great an observance of the externals of religion, there could not be much of the substance."
-James Cooper, The Pioneers

That's from one of the books I am reading for my 19th Century American Literature class (and yup, I am aware that that is a mouthful), which I think is kind of nice. Everything else is pages of arguing about a dead deer, and then bam! I think I would like to meet the man they are describing. He would either be really thought-provoking or really annoying. I want to hear him speak, but instead I can't pay attention to the novel because the rest of it is too boring.

These days. There is nothing much to say except that they are flying by. This week has been a freaky, blurry dream, due to all of my time being spent at school, the credit union, or traveling between the two. I snuck out of the routine for a little bit to go the gym, but even there the Brother's Grimm followed me and I ended up reading some creepy German fairytales. Like, super creepy. I don't thiink I would ever show them to my children. Or especially I wouldn't read them out loud, because I would just feel
guilty. "And then the stepmother cooked her son in a stew, and fed him to his clueless father." Yeah, not so cool, or encouraging.

I want to only speak in Spanish for the rest of the year. It just sounds so nice, but I am terrified to speak it in front of real life Mexicans or Latin Americans. Bummer.

1 comment:

Hayden said...

I have a fear of speaking spanish to mexicans too...
Chiefly because I know very very little spanish, and secondly, because I fear they'll think I'm mocking them or something. "Who's that gringo think he is?" (EN ESPANOL) that's all..