Sunday, January 31, 2010

one way to describe right now is bummed out/sore back/headache/heart hurt. another way to describe it is living, if you are optimistic. i guess it just hurts to listen to life stories that just need Jesus. it is always so obvious to me, more than anything else, but they don't get it. so i leave work almost in tears, with three free bags of salad.

relaxing weekend. tiring weekend. stressful weekend. happy weekend. full weekend. different weekend. come back to me.

i am so tired all of the time. noah keeps asking me if i ever sleep. afterwards he points out the bags underneath my eyes. maybe i do not need to always be in that same house.

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

I had this same experience last week, the one where your friend who hasn't found Jesus is telling you about her completely dysfunctional life in a completely dysfunctional way and your whole body wants to scream "Jesus Jesus Jesus!" so you go home and drink tea and pray for her and then call her up and see if she wants to have lunch again.

ps I like your blog!