Tuesday, January 12, 2010

about 42 minutes into the semester, a man almost fell asleep on my shoulder. granted, i was listening to the strokes, and it was hot inside of trax, but still. i wonder what life would be like, to fall asleep and wake up on the shoulder of the random stranger next to you. what if they smelled awful, or what if they cut your hair? sometimes you just gotta ask these questions on public transportation. hopefully that won't also happen on thursday, because maybe then i will be more tempted to push him onto the ground.

and so that leaves trying not to drown in readings. reading this, reading that; and three of them have at least been able to make me laugh out loud. praise Jesus for that. six down, seven to go, one day in. but God is good to me. i still remember that i have grace for the moment, and that i could be majoring in math. but i'm not, and instead i get to read novels like white noise and funny little stories by men that number their lives, as in

"Number of holes in one, big golf: 0; miniature golf:3. Number of consecutive push-ups, maximum: 25. Number of waist size: 32. Number of gray hairs: 4. Number of children: 4. Number of suits, business: 2; swimming: 22. Number of cigarettes smoked: 83. Number of
times I've kicked the dog: 6. Number of times caught in the act, any act: 64."
-Greg Burnham.

I really like that. and also, lately, i really like sleep, and the silly little text messages i am always getting. good night.

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