Sunday, January 10, 2010

weekend=provo=colorado girls=church=party at nick's=never being 21=crowded=bowling=115 (which oddly also equals winning).

so mainly this week i actually only lived alone for three days, which was exactly enough. they gave me time to be back home--to do laundry and to watch football games and to look up soup recipes. i needed all of those things, i think.

but more, i realize, i need that time with the people around me. people that challenge me. people that speak and are desperate for truth. people that understand what community is. i think that about 5 or 6 times a year i re-realize how beautiful a life in community truly is. sometimes it is messy, and usually it is a battle, but in the process it still manages to be gorgeous. i love watching people dying to themselves and opening up their homes. allowing them to smell bad because so many people are around. making space on their floors to provide a place to sleep. i have watched people do this time and time again, and i want to make a habit of letting that be my life. i don't want to waste opportunities to serve, whatever that may be. maybe it is making french toast and listening to a story, maybe it is driving someone down the freeway, maybe it is even just praying for someone. those kinds of things are the ones that matter, and i love that. sometimes i forget that all other things will burn. they will, and they will create an even bigger mess than what utah's air is. but lives don't burn, souls, eternally.

so that is on my heart. also on my heart is that i hope kurt warner gets to go to the superbowl. also i am wondering when it will be warm again, because i want to ride bikes, and i am wondering why i am being called someone that will be a good wife when i am not even dating people ever.

"well, i obviously don't have the gift of hammering."
-bill young last night, about spiritual gifts [and here you could even insert a joke about some cheesy 80's song]

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