Wednesday, October 8, 2008

we posed so well, but the heart wasn't in it. it never was. maybe if you really looked into my eyes, you would see massive exhaustion. would you teach me what to do with that? 

i guess today i am a dreamer, because today i am tired. i've been trying to spit the words out for 3 days now, but nothing works. this is a fantasy, because in reality dogs don't chew their toenails and there is NOT some creepy sound coming from the next room. in the real world, cold air is coming through the window and the beatles are incredibly modern. my eyes are bloodshot, and the world is still spinning, spinning, spinning. right now is a make believe world where the economy is made up of monopoly money, and everyone eats black bean burritos for breakfast. my words really do make sense and the headache is obviously gone. come there with me for just a day? 

stress does that to a body. let's go while we still have time. let's ride bikes through the forest. let's ignore the ciggarette smell coming through the open window. spontaneity. try with me. 

the sunset is beautiful, too. God gives me the funniest little things when I am about to pull all of my hair out. maybe i just wasn't meant to be bald.

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