Thursday, October 2, 2008

sugar spell it out.

i hope i didn't upset your wife, blonde guy. i don't know what jewelry wives like. maybe when i get married, i'll phone you up and explain to you our mistake. but, more likely than not, i will forget about you after i fall asleep tonight. sorry.

i want to dream for a few hours, or maybe a few days, or years. i want it to be like a few summers ago. remember when i asked why you never slept anymore? probably not. that's okay though.

so, if you were to go through my backpack, you would find:
2 notebooks
a Bible
some pens
a highlighter
a journal
2 decks of alcohol playing cards
1 blow-pop
a wallet
a college writer's reference
irresistible revolution
a jane austen book
some sunflower seeds, strewn about
philip's sunglasses
a box of miniature colored pencils
some sharpies
hand sanitizer
and a
whole lot
of safety pins.

if that was all you had to go by, then i guess i would be a pretty interesting person. what would you think of me then?

i miss you, sometimes.

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