Monday, September 22, 2008

my mouth tastes like a cigarette, what is going on?

the traffic school cop wasn't a creeper but a really funny guy.

"but now i find myself forgetting. and, the funny thing is, i don't care a bit. i look back at some of the stuff, and, honestly, i laugh half of the time. freeing. "i'm gonna break my rusty cage and run." that is exactly what it feels like. i'm done. i've been given too much grace and too much love to stay trapped inside of my mind and all of the crap i throw at myself. i've sort of pieced things together lately. i got my heart broken one time. i was killed by hypocrisy. but you know what? that was the turning point. if it weren't for that, i'd still be stuck inside looking for the light UNDERNEATH the bed. now i'm outside and the light is overwhelming. no looking back. light overtakes all dark. dark cannot overtake light."

i wrote that a long time ago, but i like it.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I really like that a lot.

I think im looking for that light under the bed...its not such a good place to be in:/