Monday, September 8, 2008

bad timing

i think she fell in love with the wrong boy.

he liked her most at the worst times and she didn't like the way his hair fell on his face. they wore matching shoes and pretended that they didn't talk about each other when the other wasn't there. he was too unpredictable, she was too indecisive. she always knew where he was in a room and he always knew what she was wearing. sometimes thinking about him made her sick, and sometimes he couldn't stand the sight of her. other people saw something in them, but they both denied it with a shaky laugh. they argued a lot, but i think she liked to disagree with him occasionally. the music was always loud for them, and they tried to sing what they could remember.
they sat next to each other in dark rooms and never touched. it was never a dangerous game for them. he wanted to see her hair at its natural, she wanted it all to go back to that first car ride in the snow. it was innocent and it was bliss. sometimes they didn't talk for weeks at a time, other times they would go on for hours. he knew some of her crazier dreams, she knew about what stressed him out most. on the weekends they would sit on the carpet and talk about what life would be like when they had grey hair. it never scared them, but it was always something they could laugh about. he would be the old man that yelled at the hooligans across the road while she was feeding the dogs and washing the dishes.

they were content, though. even when it was broken, even when the timing was off, even when he thought he was the wrong one and she agreed with him.. such was her summer and his waking dream.

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