Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Collin: "but having a mustache isn't bad."
Josh Hunter: "but he has a teenager mustache!"

reckless abandon. those are beautiful words.
i want them to represent my faith.
Jesus was reckless for us. He knew what he was doing, but he did CRAZY things.
He turned water into wine, even though the religious people wouldn't be thrilled.
He spit on mud and helped a guy see.
He told stories to people.
He thrhew over tables inside of a temple.

I love that brave Jesus, and I don't want him to be put in a box.
I love the Jesus that would come up to me and start a conversation like anyone else.
sometimes, though, i don't start that conversation myself.

I want to be COMPELLED by Christ's love, to live my life differently.
that is my prayer.

be my passion, my flame, my love.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Your right:) I really love that jesus too...thats all so beautiful kaylee. and that is my prayer too. for you, and for all of us. AMEN!!