Monday, October 29, 2012

I somehow managed to get sick again, for like the fifth time this year.  Basically this means that I can't really sleep, breathe, or concentrate because my head is just pounding.  I can't wait to feel better.  Tomorrow I conveniently have a doctor's appointment for some other problems, so I am hoping that if this is a sinus infection (which is what it feels like), that I can get some meds and feel better quick.  I don't really have the time or the patience to stay in bed all day, and I know that is why it always takes me so long to heal.  I am so stubborn when it comes to being sick.  Today I was actually responsible and didn't even go to crossfit, but now I am wishing I had done something active because I feel so sluggish and lazy.  Oh well, this is the life of a cold patient.  My head is hurting too bad for me to look at my computer any longer.  I have a lot to write about but it will just have to wait I suppose.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

praying for you to get better. i usually drink a ton of echinacea tea...overload on vitamin C....say no to everything except stuff that absolutely has to be done...use eucalyptus oil in the shower..and RESSSSSST. it's ok to take a day or so off. i love you. let me know if you need anything, k?