Thursday, November 18, 2010

i like seeing people from my classes last semester, walking around the campus and still looking flustered. sometimes their hair has grown out, but usually they look the same but with new outfits. i always hope that their semester is going well, and that they aren't taking a theory class.

the thing i like about this time in the year is that my hair is finally as long as i want it to be. i also like drinking a lot of tea, and that my classes are almost done. i am sleepy all the time; not tired, but sleepy: loopy, livin' in a dream world. i sometimes don't know what day it is, but luckily i get reminder calls for appointments, but no reminder calls for where my car keys are.

i wrote what i think was my best paper of the semester last night. i really hope my professor agrees with me. we are starting paradise lost after thanksgiving, and i am actually excited about it.

days seem long lately. public transportation. hours of working under flourescents. waiting for the heat to kick in in the mazda. nights of poor sleep. eighty minute classes. missing people, and missing moments. sinus headache. strange movies to be watched. text messages too late at night. roland barthes theory. editing photos. all of a sudden i am down to about one real meal a day, which is weird because i am just not hungry anymore. maybe it was watching food, inc. i've taken to getting chips and salsa as often as i work though, so that gives me something to look forward to. but still, what i am not saying in all of this is that i am unhappy.

thursday thursday. there is a lot on my mind. i want to take a nap and wake up in a different state, where the air is warmer, and there are miles of fields.

1 comment:

brooklyn. said...

i am in love with your writing, jus sayin.