Sunday, December 13, 2009

a sign that i am really losing my brain (or just getting really sick): tonight, when i got home from work, i thought, 'man, i can't wait to get out of my work clothes'. then, after a good half-hour of walking around i realized that my work clothes were actually pajamas because my boss made me wear them. i wish this headache and sore throat would just disappear into wyoming or something. they can infect the zero people that live there.

i guess i am still happy though. especially i am happy about the weekend, which oddly started and ended with me working at the same store. having two jobs is so strange because of the different routines that you start to mix. but that is the life of a poor college student, i bet, and i sure can't give up my chipotle burritos.

before i had this sickness living inside me though, i got to go down to cutesie little provo. i guess in being honest provo really isn't that cute. it looks a lot to me like cigarettes, drunkeness, and poor air quality, but it is a little part of home. i probably will marry someone who smells like cigarettes, because that smell is comfortable and will always remind me of some neat parts of life. and some horrible ones, too, but i'll take what i can get. anyways, it was nice to drive down with my dad and see some friends of mine. i got to meet my new brother, who is really just a foreign exchange student that lives my life (in my room, even). my parents are always heros of mine and they are also always willing to take in a person that needs a home. so i have a sixteen year old boy sleeping in my old bed. philip and i watched some lethal weapon with him and then took him to wendys. we are teaching him how to be american, step-by-step. obviously america is car chases that involve riding a TABLE down the freeway and eating after eleven pm.

yup, i bet being american involves shooting a gun too, and waiting in line for things. that is why i woke up at seven am on a saturday to meet up with people at cabela's. they had even been waiting since six-thirty in a line of people, in the snow. that store always makes me feel like i don't fit in anywhere in america. no one dresses like me, and, darn it, their kids do NOT mind. i had fun looking at guns though, and fish, and this odd statue that looks like george bush (and talks). we fit four people in the back of my ford, and then headed to nowhere, utah to shoot guns at things. all in all, it was a pretty neat experience. kim got to try something new, and so did i. there is something really great about shooting a shotgun, or a .22, or even a pistol. probably it would have been better if there was no snow involved, cause there was sure a lot of it, and i was cold for always that night, but i got to hang out outside of noisy cities and corporate america with some of my favorite people. praise Jesus for that.

saturday night i got to go to church and hang out with a good, good friend of mine. we drove on the freeway complaining and bought a bunch of candy. he even cooked me some corn dogs. there is a wonderful friendship. some strange part of me gets along with boys the best, and even dresses like them sometimes. or maybe they dress like me, i've never been able to tell.

there is most of it, except sunday, when i got to play with cute cute little kids and wrap Christmas presents. out of all my days, i was clearly the most motherly today. i even made a pot of soup and did the dishes at someone else's house. oh dear.

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