Monday, November 24, 2008

today i kept calling the wrong dog, and i couldn't figure out why she just wouldn't come inside. that probably describes the condition of my head lately. i don't really think, or at least i don't remember thinking. it's headache season. goodbye peace of mind and hello waking up at 3:08. goodbye solidity and HELLO chaos. does anyone know the cure?

sometimes i feel like i am living in two different cities. i leave a little piece of me with the laughter in salt lake, or the tears in provo. it is a weird thing, when they both blend together. winter is a funny thing too, a lonely, long kind of thing. winter is coming, and i think i would rather just move south for a few months. i could go to mexico and really learn my spanish. instead of only being able to order from a restaurant or get directions, i could ask someone about the state of my health, or describe the geography of utah. snow is fine though, at least the first time. after that it just becomes something annoying, like the barking dog down the street.

i guess that is my life, stripped of all real complications. there is still the issue with actually reading shakespeare, and deciding what in the world i am doing with my life. my room is still messy and i still have to work a ten-hour shift on friday. there are finals, and projects, and band practices. there is not falling in love, even when i want to so bad, and not drinking any form of coke, ever.

thank God for easy mondays, and ryan adams. what would i do without them?

"You see, I am trying to quit my vices one at a time. January was drinking, June was smoking. I'll quit drinking soda some other time, and God gave me coffee for a reason; I am NOT quitting that."

1 comment:

S said...

i like this post.
it feels like my mind.
all cluttered and scattered but it all relates at the same time.
at least that's what i got from it.