Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I am leaving college behind today.  Just the classes, not the college-related anxiety.  I still have so much to do--the problem with taking three 5000 level classes at once--and one killer WOD that I hope doesn't kill me.

This feels weird.  Time is confusing.  I don't know what I am going to do after this school sleepiness wears off, but I know God is good.  Things will be okay, despite my lack of plans.

"Never mind our plan making, we'll start living, anyway..aren't you unbearably sad?  Why burn so poor and lonely?  We'll be like torches, torches together."


Rachel said...

You'll do great at post-college, Kaylee! The first couple months were really hard and sad for me, but God has such a huge plan and it opens up so much time for ministry and getting at least 7 hours of sleep, and seeing movies you always wanted to, and reading books for fun, and cooking and new adventures that cost too much money for college students. :)

emmaroberts said...

That's awesome girl! So proud. Now you must do more things that you love and that will make you appreciate God's creation (i.e, winter hiking with me)

High five.