Sunday, January 15, 2012

the weird thing about having surgery (even if it is minor and doesn't hurt that bad) is that every treats you like a princess. like, my parents went to the grocery store and bought me french bread just so i could eat the soft middle part and throw away the crust. i always wanted to do that when i was a kid, but they would just look at me, like are you crazy? this is a luxury i am glad to have experienced at least once.

what is not as cool though is falling asleep like every five minutes. i do not know how people get addicted to pain medicine because it is turning me into a very dizzy, nauseated zombie. i keep sleeping through movies i have been looking forward to watching. i somehow managed to not fall asleep through the original footloose though, and i do not know why, because i would have rather watched any of the other movies here. oh well.

i am going a little bit stir-crazy, but i still do not want to go back to classes. spanish is too tiring anymore. i feel like i am taking a science class because nothing makes sense. as for my four other classes, they are just computers, so i can manage okay.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I don't like Footloose either.