Sunday, January 29, 2012

it was truly a joy for me to do sound tonight. sometimes it just feels good to do a little hard work. God has given us exciting ways to serve Him!

i feel like my rare saturday off is such a privilege, so i always pack it so full. i went down to the provo church, then hung out with collin and tony for awhile on friday night. it's always fun spending time with those guys because we can just sit there for hours and do nothing together. it's relaxing. this morning i woke up nice and early to go see devin and chianne off as they get ready to go to north carolina (and for devin's birthday!). i spent some nice time with my mom too, running errands and making a budget. she is such a smart woman. i hope one day to know half of the things she does about finances and life and being so patient. haha. so basically the night ended with church, and sound, and also pizza and listening to pinback songs on repeat. i feel so incredibly exhausted and also encouraged by the people i get to spend my weekends and nights and every days with. utah is home, even if my heart is always pulling towards other states. it feels good to say that.

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