Sunday, November 27, 2011

That time I almost had a heart attack:

As in, Saturday.

I was sitting in the drive-up waiting for a car to come--our branch is only open in the drive-up on Saturdays, so the rest of the bank is dark and closed and sort of eerie, come to think of it. I turned around for a minute because I heard a noise, and there was a man. In the lobby, just standing there. I have frequent nightmares about this. Anyways, nothing bad happened, except that he got very embarrassed (because if you can't tell a bank is closed by no one being in it, that's a bad sign), and we were all freaked out for the rest of the day. If he wanted to, he could've taken a whole lot of money, but instead he just fumbled out the door, and left someone to get in very big trouble Monday.

As in today.

When, housesitting, someone walked into the house, like it was no big deal.

But besides the half heart-attacks, days have been good. I haven't gotten anything done for school, but I did get to redecorate my room and spend some good time with my family this weekend. I miss my little brother a lot around the holidays because it's hard not being able to do traditional things with him. I will really miss decorating the tree together because that is a long-standing Evenson tradition. He will hopefully be back in Utah for awhile in January, so maybe we can make up for lost time then. Right now he is lost in a fantasy world of throwing grenades and going to the ocean every weekend. I can't imagine living that life, but he seems to enjoy it. I am so proud of him.

School is out in two weeks. I guess I should start acting like I know how to write a paper, but I think what happened is that I forgot everything I ever learned about writing. So that is a no fun problem to deal with. All this football I have been watching is killing my brain cells.

1 comment:

Sammy said...

That Death Cab song automatically plays in my head whenever you update. Which is a good thing, I swear. Ha. Anyway I think I've forgotten how to write papers too which is terrible right now. Good luck with yours dear. Maybe over break we can finally get together.