Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"I make the two and a half hour drive out here to see the lights every year. I wouldn't ever miss it, unless I am pregnant, or sick."
-a TLC show, about Christmas. Glad to know people have good priorities.

Lately I have been spending time in high heels and business slacks. Going to the third floor on an elevator with padded walls, an elevator that tells me with a voice that is supposed to be sexy but is really just strange that I am going up. Yesterday my trainer told me that I was now the face of a $5 billion dollar company, and to make sure I always thought about how I was preparing to enter the workplace, like if my hair looks funny or not. Everything is so serious now. I feel like I have aged ten years and am living a freaky life based on a career path I never chose to take. But after this week I won't be working in such a big, fancy building, so maybe this dream life will go away.

....And I also realized why the life of a corporate high-up seems so alluring sometimes: because they feel like what they are doing is so important and innovative and etc. And it's been fun for a few days. I love to dress up but I want to have a level head and realize work is work. it's easy to see how people get sucked into that world--always promising things it can only give temporarily. It all looks so exciting and fun but in reality they're all still a bunch of broken people that need Jesus just as much as I do at the end of their days. It may be power and status and bonuses, but those things are achieved during 60 hour work weeks and missing your child grow up. Plus, they do get tired too, and have to grocery shop and do normal-people things. So my dream of being Veronica Palmer (which I had for like, 3 hours yesterday) from Better Off Ted is on a permanent hold, but I still do feel pretty happy about my new job. Probably what helps that is the breakfast they give me every morning, because they know I don't have time to get ready. That and the trainer whose voice I have a huge crush on, if a crush is even what you would call it. It's more like an appreciation--he doesn't whisper-talk like Alec Baldwin but has an honest, generic American voice that I really would just love to hear tell me nice things all of the time. And maybe that is completely weird.

This is a finals week of two finals, but mostly beginnings of things. Plus tonight what happened was that I fell in love with Hobby Lobby, and also watched Phil Hahn try to snap his fingers really hard which made us all laugh so much.

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