Tuesday, August 17, 2010

there is a lot going on in my life, and usually i just don't feel like writing about it. but one thing that went on yesterday that was interesting was that someone smashed up my car. i was helping a customer at work, and this man came in the store freaking out and saying that we needed to call the police because somebody had pulled a hit and run on a car in the parking lot. his details about the driver and other car were pretty vague, but he mentioned that they hit a mazda millenia, which really wasn't cool because, well, i am pretty sure i am one of five people in america that actually has one of those. so i was freaked out, but i couldn't go look cause i was helping a customer. i gave my keys to a girl that i worked with so she could go check, and finished my job and walked outside. and of course it would be my car, and of course it would be awful! the whole front bumper was off, there were no cameras, and no one got her license plate number, so there was really nothing to be done, except either laugh or cry. so mainly i laughed, and had to find myself a ride home.

today though, i figured out it was a blessing. it still sucks because we have to pay the deductible, but because i pay so much for insurance everything is covered--i even got a fancy rental car. just a few days ago, we were talking about how bad my headlights are too, and i guess they were going to be about $1100 to fix if i didn't want them to keep going out. well, needless to say, with the whole front being smashed, i get new headlights that will finally work for way less than that! God is so good to me, even when things seem so backwards. he is good in troubles and relationships and even going back to school. i am ready for fall, i guess. i just wish i could keep sleeping in, is all.

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