Saturday, March 27, 2010

Today was Kristen's memorial service. It always hurts a heart to go to those, but it was a celebration. Her mom, in the past six months, has lost two children. I can't even fathom that. It breaks my heart, but inside of it she knows who her God is. She has an unshakable faith through the most horrid circumstances. I was so encouraged listening to her speak about her daughter. There was peace there that transcended understanding, even though the hurt was so strong. My problems are so incredibly tiny compared, and I sit and complain through them all. WAKE UP.
I was also encouraged just listening to stories about the way Kristen lived her life. She was the one that was genuinely interested in my dreams of going to Africa, and she shared her stories with me as encouragement to GO. I still have that spark in my heart. Who knows when, but it's there. I heard so many stories of lives that she changed, things that she did for her God. She was fearless, and that makes me wonder if I am making an impact anywhere. What are my dreams? What are my GOALS? What do I want to be known for? A few things came to mind:
-I want to go to Africa and teach children, still.
-I want to play music, create, serve Christ with all of me.
-I want to love the lost and share Jesus with them!
-I want to plant churches.
-IMPACT. That word. How do I serve better? What do I do with my passions? What can I do every day to further the Kingdom?

This convicts me. I need dreams, we need dreams. Complacency is a scary, scary thing.

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