Monday, March 15, 2010

Today I saw a glimpse of myself in someone else, and I wanted to shake them and say,
"Hey, that was me a few years ago. Stop it, it isn't as fun as you think it is."

Instead, I sat back down and drank my Heritage Dr. Pepper. Yup, I found them, in a sketch Provo grocery store. Which is a funny story because I never woke up this morning planning on being in Provo. Except, the more I lived through the day, the more I wanted to be at my parents' house, the more I missed Provo, the more I just missed certain things about my life that used to be. I never did sleep much then but now that sounds great. I am tired of a lot of things and I just want Jesus to come back.

Provo does remind me, though, that God has such amazing timing even in the weirdest things. Shocking thing to realize this weekend. Sobering thing to realize. I am too whiny lately. I need to hang out with some girls that will yell at me.

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