Sunday, December 21, 2008

today a man came in with his girlfriend and spoke the weirdest language i ever heard. southpark better never get a hold of it, because it sure worked out well for them..but gawl, it sounded like nazi's trying to sing a kid song. how strange. he criticized the corporation and called everything a fake, but he was just trying to be a brat in front of his girlfriend. they told me she was from holland, which really ruined the fun. he told me he could hook me up with some alcohol when i went to uvsc too, but i guess that's irrelevant because i don't care. she kept telling him to shut up and he walked around with our shirt on for about an hour. they were pretty sympathetic about me getting laid off..with words along the lines of 'those effers' (i'm too ladylike sometimes..)\ and 'shit man'. so was the other man, who tried to explained to me how to get unemployment..forever. and then there was mr. gypsys, who said he could track with me because of a gypsy show on tv.

sometimes i think i'll miss these people everyday.

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