Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i am not the problem, solution, OR conversation, yet i'm the one left dodging bullets. i am not angry, i am just stunned, and hurt. my intentions were never murky, they were crystal clear. i didn't intend to make anyone angry. i am just left living my life, which is the best i can do. today i officially became one of the unemployed too. give it a few weeks, and it will be a much more desperate thing. as for now, i think i feel okay about it. i still haven't pierced my nose, or permed my hair, but i've taken up an interest in rings.

the snow is beautiful these days. funny thing, it was disgusting last year. i never wanted it, and now i soak in every minute. yesterday we walked to the park in a half-blizzard and made a mess of the new snow. what a good feeling. God is good.


kel said...

yep, it tends to happen.
Welcome to my life.
On another note, Snow is the best ever!
even if its the dirtyyy kind.
Finally the carol im dreaming of a white christmas became a reality.
Nobody really ever wants to make people angry, Really its the person who gets angry, its the person who lets go of all control. Ive had to learn that i cant please everbody and that theres always gonna be somebody who is angry in your life, and the best you can do is hold your tongue and pray a lot.

brooklyn. said...

"i am not angry, i am just stunned, and hurt. my intentions were never murky, they were crystal clear."

i know that feeling so well.

i just looked at a ton of your photography on flickr... kaylee, you're amazing! i love your skills.