Friday, August 31, 2012

So just some very basic updates:

--I quit my job before I left to Michigan, which means a lot of free time for the past week and a half I've been back.  I have a nannying position at night but I haven't actually started.  Here goes being a pretend mom five days a week.  I think I will enjoy it.

--I started crossfit with a very handsome professor and it is kicking. my. butt.  I don't think my body has ever done anything like this.  It is the toughest class I have this semester, which is saying a lot, but I like it.  I am trying to eat paleo, but I can usually only do it for two meals a day so far.  I am hoping it will get rid of at least some of my stomach problems. 

--This is my last semester of college.

And besides the basics, I am realizing that I don't really want to leave school.  I have not felt like this until now and so I am trying to figure out what to do with it.  When it comes down to it, I love wandering campus a little bit too much.  I love my english classes this semester and searching for TC in corridors all around (I am still creepy).  I love FOOTBALL games, which I had never experienced until this semester.  There is something to be said about college, so maybe I will be a forever student after all....or at least a five or six semester one.  I guess we will see how my classes go this semester.

I feel so happy about my life right now. 

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