Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Ben Stiller Guy keeps coming to my branch.  That's the only way I could remember him, but now all of my coworkers call him that too.  Everyone hates the poor guy because he has like ten business accounts and is always doing outrageous things with them.  Even my ABM tells me how much he can't stand him, because he is like a needy little kid.  The thing is though, is that I just can't hate him.  I think this is because I am a Christian, but also because of the whole Ben Stiller thing.  Every time I see him, regardless of the crazy antic he has planned (like coming in at five to close and asking me to help him do his payroll), I just think of The Royal Tenenbaums.  Specifically, one of my favorite scenes, right after Eli has crashed the car into the wedding:

"It's been a rough year, dad."
"I know it has, Chazzy."

 Anyways, I can't be mad at a man that's lost his wife in a plane crash.  This, also, is a conversation I feel like I have had with my dad lately.  It's been a weird few months to say the least, and I am just now settling back into my life.

I also realized I've never given a good run down of my coworkers, who, generally, are worthy of a story.

There's SM, who has been in a long distance relationship for like, 4 years, with a man she barely even loves and isn't even that good to her. 

There's RG, who is a year older than me, and has been married for 4 years and has a baby.  RG is always giving me concerned looks.  

There's JF, who sends me hipster jokes on my day off, and we share pills when we are sick.  this is a good relationship.

There's NA, who has been engaged for the whole year we have worked together but is finally getting married in the spring.  i like her because she always bounces wedding ideas off of me, and it makes me feel like i'm in on a secret.

There's TH, who i don't really actually know that well even though we've been working together for quite awhile.  she is the mysterious one probably.

There's BS, who has funny initials and is a closet hipster.  BS knows everything about sports there is to know, and also loves pulling pranks.

And finally there is new girl, who, when i asked her about her weekend once, told me it was great but didn't manage to tell me she'd gotten engaged.  

there are more but those are the ones i actually see frequently. i feel like i've been at this job for ages.

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