Wednesday, August 31, 2011

my body is getting used to waking up early. i know this because i am waking up at six without an alarm, and also because sometimes it is five. i wish my body knew the difference between those two, because just because you can wake up early doesn't mean you are not tired for the rest of the day.

i have been so busy lately. i signed up to take outreach again because it has been so long. it is going to be a lot of work but i feel like it is manageable. i want God to use me more in this area because i feel like it is somewhere i definitely lack. i am excited for the opportunities i know he'll give me as i continue through the class.

so sunday was outreach, and then sunday was a crazy birthday party that i was hired to take pictures for. i didn't know what to expect, and it was pretty much a bummer to see the things some people find joy in. but there was some BOMB food, and it was interesting to spend time in a totally different culture. it's sort of funny because everyone was speaking spanish, and the girl kept translating, except for i understood most of it. these 8:30 classes four days a week must actually be working for me.

it's funny that life is so busy but i don't, for once, feel overwhelmed about any of it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am still so sorry about that party. And I don't even know what happened, except for one sentence Martha said to me and I smacked my head and felt bad for you.

And on a side note, I can't believe you are going to take the Outreach class while you're in college. You are crazy! Ha ha. I already feel overwhelmed for you.