Wednesday, September 1, 2010

spencer does this funny thing when you are reading out loud with him, where he just fires out words if he doesn't know what something says. like, if the word is concept, and he doesn't want to sound it out, he says just about every other word that starts with c in the english language. it's pretty odd. he has a bigger vocabulary than most of the kids i've ever met.

this semester has already proved itself super tough in one week, but i think i can handle it. mainly just critical theory is kicking my butt, because of nothing i read making sense. it's like, only french guys, and it's like they got together at their french school, and said,

'hey, let's say a bunch of really obscure stuff, that undergrad students in america will have to spend, like, hours reading.'

so that part is kind of annoying. the rest of school life isn't really so bad though. i love walking all around the campus while it is still warm.

another funny thing is that i have been working more hours than ever before, which means i have a lot more customers that recognize me all of the time. like a man today that scolded me, saying, 'hey, i thought you were in school!' i guess it is nice that he was reminding me that i do that, except i never remember telling this man about school before. or really i don't even remember this man, with his short hair and sunglasses. mainly the people i remember go like this:
old. quiet. write checks real slow. smile. goodbye. repeat.
but they are cute in their routines, like 'sage'. i don't know if that is his name, but his checks say that and he is an ADORABLE little asian man who was also a world war two veteran, or a veteran of some war, because he wears the hats. anyways. sage comes in only on wednesdays and i have come to look forward to his smiling face. one day work will be more exciting stories; but for now, this is what keeps me going.

i am happy right now, truly, even though everything is crazy and messy. God sometimes makes us give things up to Him when we don't feel like we are ready to. And it's never bad.

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