Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"then came the nights, when, lying awake beside my final wife, i would spend too much time putting my finger on what was wrong. i was wearing the finger out. what was wrong was very simple. sometimes her life and mine fell on the same day."
-gary lutz.

department of eagles on, tea made, but still, i can't write. this is probably all sorts of bad for school, since i have two papers due this week.

my first professor of the day, who sounds like he should be in princess bride, and is generally alright because he lets me get to class a few minutes late, mentioned this american life in class today. somehow he made it tie into medieval literature, which made my respect for him go up by like, 5,000 points, because that stuff is boring.

two more work days this week. one more school day. who said it's almost october already? i don't see many yellow leaves. plus it's 90 degrees outside. this is the surprising nature of utah, but i am starting to love it even more, despite the fires and despite the yucky air.

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