Saturday, July 24, 2010

i guess my lack of writing has been due to the fact that i am super busy. my life has been full, of the national and of late night visits to parks and lots of photographs. also there have been weddings, and concerts, and not enough time for sleeping. i am learning to live with it, though, and am so grateful for what God HAS given me to do in that time.

Tuesday night I went and took pictures for a friend's band downtown. That was somewhat of an adventure except none of the photos were bright enough, because of it being late, so we will have to retake them. On Wednesday night I did photos at Crestwood, which, if you've never checked it out, is my FAVORITE park. We used to go all of the time when I was little--the moms from church would get together for picnics and all of us kids would go play in the stream. It's hidden off of Creek Road and is a wonderful place to take pictures at night. Some of my favorite shots I've taken come from nights and days at that park. Anyways. Thursday I met up with the lovely Shannon D'Amico to help shoot Mike and Audrey's wedding, which was fun. I am blessed by Audrey, and Shannon too, so it was an honor to serve for and with them. The wedding was beautiful!

Last night I did my last set of photos for a bit, for Jesse and KaLee. They were such a beautiful couple and were so fun to work with! The night before, Jesse had called me and asked if I would be comfortable with him proposing while we were doing the photos. It was so exciting to watch them take that step, and I can't wait to see what God has for the both of them.

So mainly the point of that is that GOD IS SO GOOD. I went into this week working my actual job, and trying to have a good attitude, and I ended it doing the thing I actually love. God has been faithful, when I am not even looking for it, of giving me these opportunities to practice and get better at what I am passionate about. I have been so stressed about school, and what I actually want to do with my life that doesn't involve working at a grocery store. And then, when I am not expecting it, God gives me people that are willing to let me experiment and some days off to work with them. I am so excited, over the next few years, to continue learning and getting better at what I do, if only to glorify God by it. I am so blessed, and I am realizing it more and more every day. Oh, how He loves us! That is what makes it worth it: working early on Sundays, dealing with people, being real. He LOVES US, and that keeps me going during these full days.

My heart is full, yet again. I just wish I could stop dreaming about the Midwest, because I miss it too much for that. Who knew?

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