Wednesday, May 5, 2010

a dream:

The store got a new system again. The only problem was that it was the same system the hospital had, and the customers had a hard time reaching the screen to sign for their purchases. A lady came by to pick up her groceries after I had spent like, ten minutes sorting her coupons. Before I could ask her what her form of payment was, a receipt printed that said, "Paid in Full". I asked my mother what that meant, since she worked at the hospital, but she just told me it meant I needed to burn the saddle.

After work (or possibly during; dreams are never too clear on time), I got a call from a person saved in my phone as "Fetul Evenson", which was my gross misspelling of 'Fetal'. I had never met a Fetal Evenson, but they had texted me their new number and I had saved it, because of us having the same last name. So I answered, and it was my cousin Lyndsey. I realized that she had just totally misspelled her name in the text to me, and not bothered to change it. Lyndsey announced she was thinking about going to the U of U and moving in with my parents. I was jealous of her living there but I told her to do it.

While still awkwardly on the phone, I was able to interact with a baby named Jet. We actually had a conversation as if he was two or three, and I took him outside so I could pace there (I always paced on phone calls). While outside, we found my brother and a friend of his, who announced that he too was moving into my parents house pretty soon. I told him he would have to meet my cousin when she moved out, because she was still on the phone, and he said, "Like I meet all of your friends, just saying hi and then moving on." I told him to shut-up, so he starting playing with his lighter, trying to smoke it. The baby I was holding was fascinated. He kept reaching out for the glowing flame, and the dude let him touch it. I yelled at him, "Are you CRAZY? I can see you letting Marley lick a flame, but a human baby?! Really?!" He just kind of looked at me, ashamed-like, and I looked at my phone, ready-to-hang-up like, and the baby looked at us, sad, 'dude-i'm-burned'-like. it was a bad moment.

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