Saturday, May 29, 2010

i can hear it in your voice, there's always a catch.

sometimes i drive down dark roads and try to sing songs that i don't know the words to yet. which, usually, that doesn't work very well, but maybe it is just my brain trying to tell me that julian casablancas and i go way back. like back to gross middle school hallways, where we all had braces and funny haircuts. or back to driving home late at night from any and most concerts i ever went to. so maybe the words are already in my head. or i am just dreaming.

things are going okay. i've been busy so i haven't had a lot of time to think about a lot of things (except for when i looked at my class schedule for next semester and got super nervous, oops). lost is over, which is a relief, but also so is 30 rock, until the fall, and that isn't very cool at all. oh well. i am getting very anxious to get out of utah and into the midwest for awhile. that should be relaxing, and exciting, and inspire some creativity. i also have a new habit called searching for deals on plane tickets: because i want to go everywhere, and because i work retail, so i can leave. michigan and oregon are in the runnings, i think. i never get to go visit my family, which is weird because they are graduating and aging and getting married in all different places. i miss them.

anyways. i need to eat some peanut butter and jelly, and sleep some more. no matter what, i don't feel like i sleep enough these days. it is time to start exercising and eating well, i suppose. for health.

i need a bicycle. and someone to stop me from eating fast food. and someone to make me laugh, because sometimes things still feel like a little bit of a bummer. goodnight.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

one of the latest projects i have been working on. it makes my heart excited for summer and also for life as well.

Friday, May 14, 2010

this is my sundown, and that is all that i am saying about that.

well, i am living in a new house, which is a new adventure! i am trusting God will use it over the next little while. things are picking up and getting busier. on sunday i get to do engagement photos with some friends, and then in july i get to help shoot their wedding. how exciting! now that it is getting warmer i am getting even more anxious to fix my bicycle and go places. also i am anxious for vacation, except that i can't make my mind up very well about what i am doing. i just found out that we might be going to denver at the beginning of june, so that would be a fun little trip, too. summer couldn't come any sooner, i think. things are going to be different this year for sure, and i am thrilled for it. in august i will have lived back up in midvale (or sandy or salt lake or wherever i live) for a year already! time is going by so fast. i am learning to love the little moments, like the old ladies that tell me stories while i am working, or the times i am actually confident in doing sound.

the headache is coming back. time for tea and the gorgeous new national album.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"I still just don't understand how you are getting a 90% in that class."
"It's called fraternizing with the enemy, Karl."
-my brother, showing off his vocabulary, and Karl, talking about their high school english class.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I was your silver lining, but now I'm gold.

Exhaustion creeps in, and hunger, and sometimes I can't decide which is more important to give into. Sleep will probably win but for now I still have a headache. Always it is a headache. Tonight was good, but tonight was also hard and I am learning daily about what it means to follow Jesus. Sometimes it feels ugly, and looks bleak, but He always wins and I trust that.

There are hours of photo edits left for me to do. That part of photography is absolutely no fun.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

a dream:

The store got a new system again. The only problem was that it was the same system the hospital had, and the customers had a hard time reaching the screen to sign for their purchases. A lady came by to pick up her groceries after I had spent like, ten minutes sorting her coupons. Before I could ask her what her form of payment was, a receipt printed that said, "Paid in Full". I asked my mother what that meant, since she worked at the hospital, but she just told me it meant I needed to burn the saddle.

After work (or possibly during; dreams are never too clear on time), I got a call from a person saved in my phone as "Fetul Evenson", which was my gross misspelling of 'Fetal'. I had never met a Fetal Evenson, but they had texted me their new number and I had saved it, because of us having the same last name. So I answered, and it was my cousin Lyndsey. I realized that she had just totally misspelled her name in the text to me, and not bothered to change it. Lyndsey announced she was thinking about going to the U of U and moving in with my parents. I was jealous of her living there but I told her to do it.

While still awkwardly on the phone, I was able to interact with a baby named Jet. We actually had a conversation as if he was two or three, and I took him outside so I could pace there (I always paced on phone calls). While outside, we found my brother and a friend of his, who announced that he too was moving into my parents house pretty soon. I told him he would have to meet my cousin when she moved out, because she was still on the phone, and he said, "Like I meet all of your friends, just saying hi and then moving on." I told him to shut-up, so he starting playing with his lighter, trying to smoke it. The baby I was holding was fascinated. He kept reaching out for the glowing flame, and the dude let him touch it. I yelled at him, "Are you CRAZY? I can see you letting Marley lick a flame, but a human baby?! Really?!" He just kind of looked at me, ashamed-like, and I looked at my phone, ready-to-hang-up like, and the baby looked at us, sad, 'dude-i'm-burned'-like. it was a bad moment.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

the truth is that if i hear one more person complain about boys, guys, men, etc. i am going to throw up. and then possibly move to another state. or probably i will just yell. we will see when the time comes.

wyoming wasn't so bad today, except for the wind. i love having a cowboy family to go back to. there is something about 180 acres of land that makes me excited. it is a nice thing to have space all around you that isn't just condos or people walking their snobby dogs, or even a mcdonald's. anyways, kim got to ride a horse, and we both fell in love with my aunt's stupid, stupid goat, coco, which is how i imagine she spells it, living on all of that land. maybe i am wrong. they are such a cute little cowboy couple, and by little i usually mean like, 5'5", both of them. when i was younger i always loved my uncle's accent because he said 'warshed' instead of 'washed', which i thought was so cowboy and foreign. aus and i got to help warsh the horses once, up there on the mountain. somedays is it so foolish to want to live there? except i am still always in a hate/hate relationship with wyoming. maybe if we didn't always get stuck there coming back from colorado. or if it had an actual landscape. i mean, dirt is cool, but usually you plant stuff in it is the idea, and the wind doesn't blow it all down.

so here's to that, and one more final, and a lot of days off of work this week. maybe i'll start a project.