Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i was on the outside, i was lookin' in...

--Britt Daniels. After the show I still love him, and perhaps even more just because he can play real rock-n-roll, on the spot. When I listen to Spoon in my car now, I smile all the time. That and dream of learning piano. One song down, today, about a whole bunch more to go. I guess these things take some time.

--Selfishly I would love to turn off my cell phone for a week and quit dealing with all of the text messages that keep popping up. Quit dealing with false reality and tired phone calls and Provo always being angry with me. Maybe the real world would give me a medal for that. Except I need to keep in contact with people for silly group projects. So, basically, I blame college for using my cell phone this week, or else I might be tempted to throw it out the window on the interstate. Oops.

--A confession is that My hair is not growing very much anymore. I keep trying but no results. Mainly I think that I will just start washing it less than every other day, even. Maybe that sounds disgusting, but my hair always did look better dirty. Now that it isn't so curly anymore I don't know what to do with it except keep it gross. Weird.

--I love Gary Lutz stories. I read one for creative writing about fifteen times just because I loved it so so much. Probably the smart thing to do would be to buy one of his books real soon.

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