Wednesday, October 7, 2009

today started out with a

and a

yup, and that mad dash was worthless after i passed the ambulances and firetrucks and mounts of police just for a full parking lot. and that mad dash led to another mad dash that did no good, and finally to target. target led to the one place that makes me feel like a five-year old, which happens to be across from the first place i attended high school.

welp, after awhile i guess public transportation decided to be on my side, and i was able to go to class and sit next to a middle-aged man during a test. i probably did bad, so naturally i celebrated by going back to my love hate relationship with trains. but this time i had people to share it with. i had another middle aged man across from me reading a book about sexual desires. i had a man behind me with thousands of dollars of tattoos and a heart to make the girl across from him love him. at his stop i heard him tell her he had to 'get out of here before i start stalking you.". i saw two girls dressed like twilight vampires, walking through the park, and sometimes life here makes it too hard to remember i am in utah.

the end of the line, as far as we go.

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