Thursday, November 10, 2016

"It was like someone made it out of Legos when they were blind."
  - Judy H., at some point this summer, talking about a dog. This has nothing to do with anything else that's on my mind, but it made me smile.

Six months ago everything changed for the better, and it just keeps getting better. God is using my new life in the heart of downtown (okay, that part isn't better) to help me confront my fears, like giving presentations in front of strangers, or small talk, or telling other people what they should do. My fear of elevators still hasn't gone away, though, so my thighs are getting pretty buff. That's an added bonus that wasn't part of the job description. In one week I'll be directing my first video shoot, which I think means that I'm finally a grown up. Sometimes, still six months in, I get off the phone with a client or out of a creative meeting and think, "this can't be my real life." Oh, but it is. There is healing in being in a place where people don't put down your work all of the time. I feel free and I feel confident. And that's all I have to say about that.

This time last year I was coming off of the high that was seeing P.W. live, and transitioning into a season of spending too many hours miserably working on a Black Friday ad campaign. Which, hello, there are only so many ways to say "THIS IS A BIG SALE."

This time, well, this year, I'm ready to (potentially) start creative writing again, because I don't hate writing anymore. I'm ready to enjoy the holidays surrounded by such a wonderful family. I'm ready to venture out into the snowy mountains and discover a world that's so separate from my 9 -5 (except on Fridays) city living.

God is given me so much more than I deserve.

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