Thursday, June 27, 2013

summer has been a great blur of work and heat and "oh wait, it's already almost july" moments. i traded fun writing for SEO content writing, but that is tiring, so i am going to take some time off of getting paid to ramble, and ramble on my own terms.

there was that time i fell back in love with the mountains. i suppose i never lost any of the love i had for them, i just kind of forgot about it. between october and may it is virtually impossible for my little mazda to make it up the canyons, so the mountain love affair is put away. by the time may comes around, my heart is a little mushier, due to long months of comfort food and no exercise, so i have to work it back into hiking shape. i am there though. i have many new miles of dirt on my danner's to prove it. i want to go backpacking for a few nights, but getting time off of work for non-michigan related adventures simply isn't going to happen for me. michigan tempted me into taking a chunk out of my savings account again this summer. here's to another four-hour stint in the detroit airport.

another cool thing: i am planning on going to europe for a mission trip in 2014. this is scary to me for so many reasons. my heart has been to go to a place like honduras, because i feel very comfortable being quiet and getting dirty. it is very easy for me to go somewhere and serve with physical labor. sharing the gospel with a group of hard-hearted europeans, on the other hand, is not what i had in mind for myself. doors have always closed for me and latin america, but so many things are working for me to go to europe. i am terrified and still not sure if God will lead me all of the way there, but he knows what he is doing. i can only sit and marvel as things happen.

a few more things. mewithoutyou put on yet another great live show in salt lake city. my bakery is a whirlwind of drama and owner breakdowns and so many cupcakes. wedding season has not been too bad to me this year. i took a brief trip to california. brief is long enough for california, but it was good to spend time with my family. i met a sweet man who is in recovery at the rescue mission tonight and i just can't get him off of my mind. his heart to serve those who were serving him blew my mind. things are happy in salt lake city.

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