Sunday, April 28, 2013

"The good thing about cheese is that it covers a multitude of sins."
-cooking wisdom from my Midwestern grandmother

I'm *officially* graduating on Friday, which means nothing to me except that my parents convinced some family to come into town. So that part's cool. When your family is spread out over all of the West (Midwest included), it gets hard to see each other. My parents and I have various church things, and my cousins have tennis lessons and college visits. We live in different worlds, but I can show them my 'good for right now' Salt Lake City, which I adore.

Good for right now. Maybe not good for later. God and time will tell. Right now I am enjoying the springtime and finally exploring my neighborhood without all of the snowy parts. There is a lot more to explore here than there was in the suburbs. The thing is, though, is that I am outnumbered by the hippies. They are everywhere, with their veganism, and their drum circles, and dreadlocks. There is no sense of Midwestern common sense. So many of these people look like characters that Fred Armisen has dreamed up. I guess they go home to their real families, and probably have to eat blandly healthy foods (without cheese, imagine that), so I suppose I shouldn't complain about them. They have their own problems to deal with, too...problems like which organic soy organic dairy-free milk is the best.

I am more cynical than I realize from day to day, but I am grateful that God can work on the worst of our hearts.


Hayden said...
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Hayden said...

HA! Amen, cheese is truly a divine gift. Hippies are...accurately described in Portlandia (and quite frankly have their own snooty brand of naturalism even in Salt Lake...)

But you're doing great! And if there's one thing I've learned, cynicism doesn't move me any further along in time...just gets me stressed out and I start to not enjoy the gift of where God has put us to live.

Congrats on finishing strong, and keep pushing strong!