Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Two things, that if I think them to myself real quick, can make me laugh.

1.  The story of yesterday at work, how between running to the bathroom to throw up, Jakob showed me a check that someone had tried to cash.  The check was just made out to "Photographer".  No name, no other details, as if we'd look at it and know exactly the person it was meant for.  Imagine going to the bank with a check made out to "Barista", or "Salesman", or even "Kid that works at McDonald's".  Anyways, the guy got real upset that we didn't want to give him the cash right away.  I still imagine this scenario in my head and cannot get over it. 

2.  A cute conversation between Ten and Leo tonight:
"Leo, what sound to bears make?"
"Loud Noises!"

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