Friday, April 6, 2012

a photo from the cute tea shop i keep going to.
it's fun but only snobs work there so that's a bummer.

it's been a refreshing week.  i've been spending a lot of time with old friends.  you don't realize how bad you miss someone until it's midnight and you're making guacamole together.  God's timing is so perfect and humorous even.  

so about work.  my boss approved me for a month leave.  i don't have to feel ashamed talking to my coworkers about michigan now, because i signed away my paychecks to some vp today.  in other work news, though, i passed a test, which basically means i will have to be on main cash someday soon (which i have nightmares about) and can count out $10,000 in cash without blinking.  scary stuff.

about school: i will miss my classmates after my last semester of spanish, i think. the girl next to me always talks to me about what i am going to do with my life, and also tells me that i look like the kind of person that would watch indie films.  she chomps her gum, but i am starting to get past it because she is just so nice.  one more semester and i will be holding a degree in my hands.  if i will be using it is to be determined i guess.

life news.  i'm hanging in there.  and some days i still cry for what i say is no reason.  and some days i am blissfully happy.  God absolutely is faithful in my trials, big or small, and i will praise him throughout. 

1 comment:

Human in the Raw said...

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help him in a time of need. prov 17:17