Sunday, February 19, 2012

i went up into the mountains today, with my brother and my dad, plus philip and a few other people. we make such an odd group. austin was wearing his marine outfit, and i was wearing old riding boots that my grandma gave me. anyways, i loved all of the hiking (and some of the shooting) part, until i thought that i was getting frostbite and my toes were going to fall off. even though i am from a state that has more ocean than mountains i am definitely a mountain person. what i want to be doing every moment of the summer is hiking. climbing higher and higher, seeing all of the trees, finding a lake and jumping in it. mountains are one of the great joys God has created for us.

all i really know to say is that the past few weeks have been so interesting. lots of tears. lots of laughter. i am getting so anxious for spring to come and for school to be out.

Monday, February 6, 2012

"have the broncos ever gone to the superbowl?"
-izzy hahn, halfway through the game last night.

it has been a hard few days.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

it feels good to drive somewhere you haven't driven before, especially in the middle of the night. i always feel like i should just keep going, which basically resulted in me getting off at a wrong exit and getting lost once again. that is an okay feeling too, unless you
1. have someone waiting at the airport for you
2. are the kind of lost called hopelessly.

luckily only one of these things was my problem tonight, so i was standing somewhere in the middle.

--work and school are making me so sleepy, but i'd be a liar if i said i was miserable. more like, i'm in a permanent haze.
--this next month is going to be interesting. my life has hit an interesting point of where i have no idea what is going on. i feel like my friendships are changing so drastically. so basically i'm standing here and i know that God is good regardless of where things end up.
--i want to travel, travel, travel. this is starting to take up so many of my thoughts. michigan. virginia. portland. south america.