Friday, July 8, 2011

raleigh: "you don't love me anymore."
margot: "i do, kind of."

Every time I watch a Wes Anderson film I remember how bad I suck as an artist. Visually in my photography and also in writing. and then I feel guilty even saying "I" and "artist" in the same sentence, because I still haven't come close to what I want to achieve. It's a weird, humbling kind of feeling.

This week has been weird. I've been pretty discouraged by some things that have been going on. God is good though...yesterday Melanie stayed with me on her way back to Fort Collins and we got to have a pretty good talk. It is such a blessing to have sisters from around the U.S. that provide encouragement during stressful times. I feel like she gave me some really good insight into school and how that can impact my future in kingdom building. I sometimes just see school as a completely separate, worldly place where everything is about status and intellect and dollar amounts. I need to be reminded every now and then that it is beneficial when done for the right reasons. SO I have a lot of ideas rolling around in my head now, and it could mean an interesting year or two.

Michigan in seven days. Everyone decided to throw parties the week I leave, whoops. But maybe they are forgetting that I will be enjoying the humidity (yes, I am crazy) and endless country roads.

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