Thursday, October 28, 2010

it's come to the point where my windshield wipers don't work. so what happens is this:
i have to pull over and get out of my car, to fix the mess they have made. so that is more than a little unnerving. and time-consuming.

bowling, and baking, have taken the place of most biking. black keys for bon iver. buying gas for buying clothing. there are seasons of life that change despite the leaves being green, in 45 degree weather.

there is a constant surrender. everyday, starting in the morning, and continuing through to the evening. the more you give up, the less time is wasted. i am wanting productivity, and not just days that fly by (which, they all do anyways, because of theory, and film). the more surrender, the better the work day, the less messy the heart. does anything i write even make sense anymore? i doubt it. but still, i manage to be passing classes, at least theoretically, at least hopefully. my heart is pretty full these days, as well.

november is coming up.

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