Sunday, September 20, 2009

what might've been lost

i am wondering right now: if we took all of the things or people i thought that i was in love with over the past few years, and bottled them up, would the feelings they gave me still be stronger than the one i get when i let too much turpenoid into my brain?


i guess there is something i can answer though, and that is that i haven't really slept in my own bed for a long time.

other than that, life is good to me. i ride trax basically every day, and sometimes i just see the people that i will hopefully never grow up to be. my God is just getting huger in my eyes every single day. he is thundering in my life. i have been blessed by the sunset off of the back porch every night, and these unreal thunderstorms, and even hanging out with german exchange students. last night i spent a few hours learning about soundwaves in regard to physics, even. God has given me a family, a huge one, that i mourn with and party with. i cannot wait to do this for all eternity.

so, goodbye half-loves. see ya on the other side.

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