Tuesday, February 2, 2016

after my little temper tantrum i'm feeling much better about pretty much everything (well, except getting murdered in my sleep, but that's just standard out here in the wild, wild west).

my sweet, sweet christian coworker texted me over the weekend and told me she'd been searching for jobs for me. in her free time. having another christian at work -- one that isn't immersed in the culture of my church -- has been so refreshing. we can bounce problems off of each other, share verses on rough days, quote dumb old songs, and even complain together. God shows his kindness in the most unexpected ways. like bringing a missionary's kid all the way to snowy utah to come to meetings with me and remind me to get before God in the hard times.

i think the best thing is just to stay put for now and savor the good days:
the days when an email makes me laugh so hard i cry
the days my boss schedules a 'summit' so we can go to starbucks together
the days i get to write about beer pairings and football
the days when lunch break is snowshoeing up the mountain.
the days i'm allowed to wear whatever i want and drink free coffee for hours.

and of course, the miles i drive closer and closer and closer to the mountains.