Wednesday, August 12, 2015

sorry for the forgetfulness, blogger.

"Your parents still have that [coffee table] downstairs. Your dad just wants to shoot it."

"How are you just now connecting that? You have more Star Wars shirts than Josh Whitney!"
-Philip, concerned about Izzy's lack of Star Wars knowledge

"And there's your dead friend."
-Linda, being friendly to a squirrel she saw running across the road.

"Oh. Maybe if I put this up, it will do something ... probably not, though."
-Auntie Kay and her newfound rosary

"I'm wondering if our goat OR our neighbor just said 'HEY!'"

Friday, April 10, 2015

between here and last year i:

-got married
-moved to West Valley
-traded 255 word projects for 20 character taglines
-bought a subaru.

there, that's all the updating i needed to do.

"oh, our massage had to be scheduled. your dad's twin was sick."
-my mom's very real first world problem.